Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Caponata and Grilled Rice Vegan Cheese Sandwich

Missed lunch due to a job fair today (why do these have to start at noon). So had my lunch for dinner instead. The Caponata you have seen before. However, I don’t think I’ve talked about the cheeses from Galaxy Foods. They make both rice and soy based cheese, vegan and vegetarian. The Rice Vegan is distinctive due to its purple borders on the label. It also specifically says that it is soy free, gluten free and vegan. The best thing about this cheese is that it does actually melt. And if it melts for a grilled cheese sandwich, then you know that it will melt in whatever food you may want to use it. There are really only two bad things about their Rice Vegan line, however. One, no mozzarella is available. And they only come in slices, no blocks or shreds. So its usefulness is somewhat limited. However the slices are just fine for sandwiches, wraps or quesadillas. But I have yet to try these cold, so I cannot say if they also taste good cold or at room temperature. As a guess, since the American one tastes fine on the grilled cheese sandwich, I would bet that they also taste good un-melted as well.

Oh and one good thing did come out of the job fair. It allowed me to swing by the Indian store and buy some tamarind paste. And if I happen to have everything needed to make the Tamarind Lentils from VCON, they will be made tomorrow. These have been on the back burner for me for a long time, simply because I could not find any of this darned paste. This is the only store that I know in the area that even carries it. At least it is a cheap 8 oz ($2.49) and will last me for a long time.

1 comment:

  1. My favourite Tamarind paste got discontinued so I had to try a new brand. I haven't opened it yet but it sounds much more liquid than my last one which makes me sad.

    Once again, I'm jealous of what you have available! I want rice cheese slices!! Yum!

    Enjoy the lentils. They're awesome!
